Something You Didn't Know About Me! :)

Ironic thing is, I take a lot of pride in my well being. Spiritually, I read my bible, I pray, I go to church, I seek to draw closer to God. Physically, I workout and eat healthy. I take care of our home, it is usually spotless (I am a little anal in that department), so why is it when it comes to recycling, I have never really put forth an effort. I guess it is because my parents didn't recycle and I was never exposed to it and I never lived in an area where I was forced to. Kevin WAS exposed to it and would occasionally ask if I wanted to recycle. Every time his parents came down to visit from Canada, they always questioned why we didn't recycle. At any rate, I am very sorry you had to read this out about me. But wait, before you click off and decide to never talk to me again, there is good news…I have changed!! HONESTLY!
Starting today a lot of things are changing in our household, including taking care of the environment which includes recycling. Wow, who would have thought that it would have taken me 41 years to actually care about this. No I can't change the world, but Kevin and I can do our part to make it a cleaner and healthier place to live. As I gaze out our windows and see God's beautiful creation, how can I NOT want to do my part. I want a earth for Scott and his future children to live in. I want an even healthier family and home.
Don't fret, I am not turning into a total fanatic here, but things will be very different from now on. I have chosen to make these changes for myself and my family, and not because it is the cool thing to do. If you were to see the view that we have from our deck, you too would want to do what you could to preserve the beauty. All I want to do is live, eat, and breathe healthy. I know I can't save the world on my own, but I can set a good example for my family. Waste less, want less. Live in a frugal state of mind. Care more about the world around us. Make wise and healthy choices for our homes and bodies. Is that being too extreme? I don't think so.This is me, finally doing my little part.
Every little bit helps. That being said, I am a really good recycler at work, not so much at home. But I'll try to do better as well.
You are so lucky I hadn't seen this disturbing post prior to me driving through Desoto. I would have been at your door at 1:30 AM JUST A POUNDING!!!!
I hate to see what I would write it I started one of my posts of with how you started this one...LOL
I will let this go for now!!!
We recycle and I am proud to say it! I am glad you joined the club!
Thanks for the link to your Blog.
I should really think about going to Kansas in June - would be prefect timing between my 2nd and 3rd challenge of the year.
Recycling? I try and do recycle all cardboard boxes and newspapers. Where my self and family fails is everything else - plastic bottles, junk mail, etc.
I'll keep working at being "greener" and protecting our planet for future generations.
Rock on Sister Elizabeth,
I even take my own bags to the grocery store! I am a fanatic and glad you changed.
Hey there I have losts of EAS stuff for you... We just need to find a time I can drop the stuff off...
e-mail me...
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