I am posting a picture of Denise, the mighty faithful warrior (and Mother to Jonnae) and one of Jonnae so you can see how beautiful this girl is! :)

Results not what we had hoped for the doctors have given us the results. They feel whether we proceed with chemo or not, the end is near. The toxicity in her body has taken it's toll, we can risk her organs to try and get her into remission with more chemo, but it would be half the dose and not likely to do much to this determined disease. We have done that twice already and it has come back, so they don't believe we should go that route, but rather try and provide her with some quality days, possibly a few at home.
Alot of decisions to be made. How we tell the kids at home. How much we tell Jonnae. How much of the decisions we give to her (with her current state being where she's clear and then where she's lost) Do we let them help with her care here or do we enlist hospice for home. My body feels extremely heavy. Like I pumping something through my veins rather than blood. Possibly like energy is draining from me, as life drains out of her.
I really don't have much else to say at the moment. Alot to process, but I will give you a second update tonight. Things may be a bit clearer then.
NOTE: Here is a link to a story that Bill Phillips did on them. Very powerful.
My heart has been ripped out by this story. That little girl is amazing and beautiful and makes me think about how precious every second is.
I have been meaning to stop by and say hello. I have not had time to add you to my fav list but I will, I promise! It is getting so close.
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