Anticipating something still has the power to make my smile a permanent fixture, make my stomach turn endless cartwheels and put a little shimmy in my shake. Don’t you love that title? We sure do. We are about ready to go on a very relaxing vacation. Nothing but good times and laughter. My friend from Phoenix is flying in on Wednesday night, which equals guaranteed good times! Then we will hit the road to Canada where we will spend 10 glorious days doing absolutely nothing. :-) Well, maybe some boating, fishing, sun-bathing, lounging, reading and spending quality time with Kevin’s family.
This will be the first year that Scott will not be joining us. He starts school on August 16 and he didn't want to miss his first week. I guess it is a sign of maturity on his part which makes me feel good but I still worry about leaving him home by himself only for the fact that something could go wrong and we will be at a place where we cannot be reached. I can’t worry about those things though or else it will drive me insane.
I know any time I start to worry about Scott, I need to turn to God in prayer and bring all my concerns to Him. This verse always comes to mind when I begin to worry: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”(Philippians 4:6) It always eases my mind and makes me feel a lot better. So for now, I will turn my attention towards our upcoming vacation and focus only on the good times ahead and prepare for OPERATION RELAXATION.
Have to shout out to my hubby…….. tomorrow is Kevin’s Birthday!
Kevin thanks for being such a wonderful husband. The evening is one of my favorite times of day with you because it is a time we can look back, take stock, and reflect on the events of our day with no interuptions. Thanks for being YOU! Happy Birthday Babe!

Have a safe ride north...enjoy the views and can't wait to see you next week. The kids are very excited too - Gabby wants to see "Auntie Wisbef"...LOL...lots to celebrate next week too so be prepared for a week of laughs! Love Shelley :)
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