
Thursday, July 05, 2007


I hope all of you had a happy 4th, particularly those with loved ones serving in the military. Our freedoms are not to be taken lightly. What some consider our given right are directly related to the sacrifices you and yours make. So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!

I would have liked to have blogged on how we had a magnificent 4th of July but I can’t. It was just okay! :-) We got up really early (even on our day off) and worked out and then ended up getting the “cleaning bug” and decided to organize our garage for the first time since moving into our house. Ever since we moved in, it has become THE place to put things which we didn’t have a specific “place” for. So you can imagine how disorganized it was. We managed to get it completely cleaned and organized before the rain fell. Scott even had the cleaning bug and thoroughly cleaned his room as well. That in itself was a miracle! :-) At any rate, having the holiday fall in the middle of the week, without taking any vacation, to extend the holiday makes it a little hard to celebrate like normal. Although the fireworks went on well after midnight in our neighborhood. :-)

Speaking of bugs (UGH), on Sunday we were sitting out on the deck and a spider bit me on my bicep. After first I didn’t realize it was a bite, just thought I had scratched myself, but four days later, it definitely is a bite and is infected. We went to the Urgent Care yesterday just to be turned away because they didn’t accept my insurance. Geez, thanks, glad I wasn’t dying! ;-( I have a doctor’s appt. this afternoon and will have the doc take a look at it. It just grosses me out and no it doesn’t itch unless someone asks me if it does! One of my friends was trying to make me feel better so he e-mailed me this message:

"Don't worry about the spider bite, babe. I've heard of that before. Whatthey do is bite you and inject their eggs into the bite. Then, a week later,the eggs hatch and a million spiders come out.I read it in a book.I should call you Ripley from now on. You are now incubating 1000 teenyaliens.Hope that makes you feel better."

Yeah I perked right up after reading that! :-)

On a positive note, once in a while, something so simple can become something spectacular! The other day I woke up early and let my dog out and I witnessed the prettiest sunrise. I ran and got our camera and snapped a picture. It truly was breathtaking and I hope to get Kevin to post it here on the blog soon! When God paints a picture in the sky, He does it right and when I can experience that unexpected moment and capture it on my camera. I say Amen!

DOC UPDATE: I actually had 4 spidey bites on my arm. UGH! Nothing steroids and cortisone won't fix right up! Arm is feeling quite achy today though! :-( I'm sure it didn't help that I worked my biceps out this morning. Oh well....I JUST had to work out! No EXCUSES!


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blog too! I have a small Olympus camera that takes videos too and I use that to make the videos. It's super easy to upload them to google video! I have a mac too, and it has a built in webcam on it. Glad you like the videos.

And thank goodness you are ok after those spider bites. YUCKIE!!!

At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would survive the spider bite, but would have a heart attack and die from knowing there was a spider on my arm.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Lori said...

OUCH, that doesn't sound good. Glad you at least know what it was.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Elizabeth....my hubby took me out of town for a couple of days for my birthday. I need your email address. if you can call me please do.



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