Believing In Yourself

Everyone wants to be the perfect daughter or son, the perfect friend, the perfect spouse, the perfect co-worker, etc. but nobody is perfect. We understand that nobody is perfect in this world, because we are humans who are living in imperfection. However, like everyone else I continually strive to be a better person.
Early on in my life, I was told that I should be more like this person or that person but being the stubborn kid that I was, I wanted to leave my own mark, not someone else’s. I know God has His own plan for my life and that I would (and still do) follow God’s words. I have always believed that I can do anything if I try hard enough and commit to the task at hand. There is nothing that a person cannot achieve if they really want it bad enough and work to reach the goals they set for themselves. If you believe in God and have faith you will be surprised just how much you can accomplish in your life and how much you can influence other peoples lives.
The key here is to fully rely on God (thanks Denise and Jonnae) and then to believe in yourself no matter what you want to accomplish in your life. Being a better person does not mean having more in this life. It is about accepting changes and valuing the people and the things around you. It is the willingness to step out of your comfort zone and start seeing this world as wonderful place to develop your humanity.
Have faith in God, believe in yourself and follow your dreams! :)
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