
Isn’t it funny, how we, as women, never allow ourselves to break down and let loose? Why is that? Is it because we are nurturing and feel as though we should take care of everyone else. As women, we are walking a tightrope, trying to balance the needs of others while attempting to care for ourselves. Women (like me) that work outside the home must come home and do the 'second shift' of cooking (although Kevin does the majority of cooking), cleaning, and nurturing. Women who stay home often feel isolated and lonely. Stay home moms very often lack the much needed companionship and support of other women.
Taking a hard look in the mirror might start to resolve some of the issues. Not always fun, I understand, but necessary. Take a few moments to examine what you see. How long has it been since you gave yourself attention? If it has been longer than you like, it is a perfect time to get your life in balance.
I state the above because last Friday, it happened and it wasn’t pretty. I cried like I never have before. All the stress that had been building up. All of the emotions that I have held in since my surgery, poured out. As I sat with my husband releasing the anxieties, the inner turmoil and the emotions, I felt like a new woman. Silly as that sounds, it is true and truly the only way to describe my feelings. I should have opened up along time ago. The things I have been putting off no longer hang over my head and tease me. There is a peaceful and joyful calm surrounding me. A small sigh of relief and pride lingers in my soul.
I will not go into what caused my inner turmoil, there were a lot of issues, but I will say this and give you all one piece of advice. Don’t hold it in. Don’t think you are bigger than what you really are. We aren’t perfect and God really is there to help you through life’s battles.
And so is Kevin. Thanks honey for always being my rock!
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