Moments Captured and Cherished

Time together and the making of memories before your very eyes. That is what we experienced last week when we were in Canada with Kevin’s family! Hours upon hours of laughter, silliness, conversation and the most scrumptious meals. I think there was even a Penguin sighting! You rock Joel! :-) We enjoyed our time with everyone but we were especially thankful to have gotten to spend time with our niece Gabriella. What an adorable gem she is. We also had a great time with Marilee celebrating her last week of being 39 (hee, hee). Hippy 40th Barthday Sweets! Once we get our pictures downloaded, we will post them.
We were back in town as of Sunday night full of many new memories but also feeling very ill. Sore throats and a severe sinus infection. UGH! I think I fell ill because of the drastic change in the temps. It was nice and cool in Canada and not so much in Kansas. So for the past week, I have been trying to get rid of the crud and feel better. Antibiotics seem to be doing the trick. No workouts until it all clears up, which really bums me out!
Speaking of workouts, Kevin and I have decided to start a new fitness challenge on Monday. He thinks he will beat me BUT I think otherwise. One reason, I have a very strong willpower and he doesn’t. :-)
My recipe for willpower:
*1 cup of desire
*1 quart of determination
*1 tsp. of common sense
*1 Tbsp. of stick-to-itiveness
*1 dash of foresight
*1 cup of energy
*1 tsp. of common sense
*1 Tbsp. of stick-to-itiveness
*1 dash of foresight
*1 cup of energy
EDIT: Kevin wanted to add and 1 lb of CHEESE! :)
Stay tuned to find out who the champion will be……………….. :-)
I'm betting on YOU!!!
Glad you had a good time with the family.
Sounds like a fun family. I wen to Canada, too just for a day though.
You ROCK that challenge, girl!
I wont tell you who this is but must compliment you on your good looking husband, he must be good lookin like his dad and is a good cook as well. Also a terrific judge of women as i am sure his dad chose as well as Kevin Did on a wife. Just too bad his dad cant land a fish in a canoe.
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