And We All Said "Amen"

I have heard a lot of negative things about Joel’s “style” of preaching in the media because he preaches about hope and God’s love more than he preaches about condemnation and hell. In my humble opinion, I believe more people have received salvation this way because, unlike so many preachers today, Joel doesn't judge first and then hope you will listen to him. I have heard so many times that the reason people won't even take time to listen to the word is because they feel like the church is too busy judging or pointing fingers at them then embracing them for who they are and then teaching them the word. Our goal should be to bring more people to Christ, (which is what Joel has and is doing) not to sit around and criticize a man who has brought thousands to know Christ, just because he doesn't preach in a fashion we see fit.
I don’t know about you BUT I would prefer to hear a message that God is GOOD and that if we put our faith first, He will meet our needs. I want to hear that He is the great I AM and that I can receive the gift of salvation and that all things in my past are forgiven. These aren’t empty promises or false teachings as some would believe (they are in the scripture), but words and lessons that are more likely to influence a non-believer than a message of condemnation.

At the end of Joel’s message (after the invitation to accept Christ), he tells folks to get in a bible based church in their community. I definitely believe this is key. I think Joel’s broadcast mission is to provide the appetizer, so to speak, and get people hungry for the rest. We will never know how many lives have been changed by Joel, but one thing I do know is that God has a plan for each of us and if we stay in faith, He will reveal it to us. It is up to us to live up to His plan. :)
I would have cried. don't know why, it's just what I do at that kind of thing.
Joel Osteen is AWESOME! I will see him live one day. It totally shocked me when I heard another preacher talk bad about him. God blesses each of us with a different style of reaching out to others. I love different styles..Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Creflo name a few. But they are all different.
So glad you enjoyed it Elizabeth.
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