Wounded Soul
Just a warning, this post is a little deep.
First of all, let me just say that no one is perfect, certainly not me. I do, however, take responsibility for my actions and choices that I have made in my life, good or bad. I don’t hide behind a screen and pretend to be someone that I am not. I don’t intentionally draw attention to myself just to have the attention. Some of you may be wondering if I am talking about a certain individual in this post and I must say I am. Although this person and I were extremely close at one point, we no longer talk to each other but I certainly pray for him/her every day. I am not going to put a name on the post but many of you know who I am talking about, especially those who are extremely close to me….
Let’s face it folks, there are reasons why you are the way you are and why your life is the way it is, whether good or bad. If you think you are a victim, then pick yourself up, brush yourself off and GET ON with the business of making your life better. But do not keep throwing that “victim” card….. It is sickening.
What I get tired of hearing is “But you don’t understand…” “I can’t possibly get over it…” “I can’t move past it.” You just THINK you can’t, but you certainly CAN.
We all make choices in our life, some bad, some good. We should OWN up to ALL of our choices regardless of the consequences. If you choose to gossip and get caught doing so, fess up and move on. No one forced you to open your mouth. If you choose to cheat in your marriage, don’t blame everyone else or try to make people feel sorry for you because you are going home to an empty house. Remember no one forced you to cheat on your spouse. If you choose to be a cheat and a liar and your family and friends start to see through those lies, do not expect your family and friends to come to you and ask YOU for forgiveness. Pick up the phone or better yet, drive over to their house and ask THEM to forgive YOU. Don’t play the victim and please don’t let your pride and stubborness stand in the way. I know it isn’t easy and at times frightening, but you can move forward, and you have to move forward to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. But first you have to take responsibility for your own life and actions and quit playing the victim.
If you want to be a victim, someone that life happens to rather than someone who makes life happen, have at it. Just don’t have at it here. Come back when you are ready to face your life, face all the wrongs that were done to you, feel about it, write about it, scream about it if you have to, but work on MOVING PAST IT and building a life SECOND TO NONE.
We all have the right to work through our emotions when something bad happens to us whether by our own choices or something completely out of our control. BUT it doesn’t have to define us and make us who we become. You don’t have to play the victim just to get attention.
There are many people who seek real professional help and I applaud those who do, but unfortunately, there are some who just want someone to feel sorry for them and demand to be coddled and patted on the head and told “poor baby” even though they should be moving on with their life and taking control of their life. Is people’s pity really the attention you are seeking? If you ask me it is counterproductive and not helping you get over your victim mentality!
Take responsibility for your own life. Quit blaming everyone else for the choices you made and start living the life you always wanted. Stop wallowing in misery….choose life….choose to be empowered and be the designer of your own destiny.
Enuf said. :)
I have no idea to whom you are refering, but I think it was a good post, none the less...
I agree with you. For some it just takes alot longer to come to this conclusion. Once you realize that YOU are in charge of your own destiny and your own happiness and that the choices you have made have put you where you are now, then you have that wake up call and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Good thoughts, thanks for putting all that down and thanks for commenting on my blog.
I have an idea who you are talking about. :) Some people crave attention and it doesn't really matter how they get it. It is unfortunate that they can't seem to get past it or should I say "themselves."
Great post E.
Kellie Jo
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