Josie and Auntie E
Wow, the years are flying by….. Monday I will have another birthday. And I constantly ask Kevin “when will I feel like I am an adult?” J Life has been incredibly good but as with anyone it has thrown me a couple of curve balls through the years, especially when I was younger.
I have a lot of good memories from my childhood thanks to my incredible wonderful brothers. We were a baseball team in and of itself so life was always entertaining, even when we were getting lined up to get spanked for something one of us did but, of course, no one would confess to.

My 20′s were full of heart ache and extreme happiness. Mundane moments and life changing ones. It was spent learningwho I was and what I wanted. Where I wanted to go. It brought growing up, decisions, school, careers, marriage, miscarriages, home ownership, and one beautiful healthy son. It brought reality that plans do not always go as planned. Dreams and goals can and will change. Life isn’t easy nor fair at times, but more times than not it can bring such intense joy you simply cannot explain. It taught me that not all marriages are meant to last and God DOES forgive. It also taught me that parenting is the hardest job on the planet but its the best job too with all of its rewards.

It brought the reality that sometimes you think you know someone when really you don’t. That when you get an opportunity to travel down a certain road, it can sometimes cause a painful space in a relationship. It also taught me that just because you think certain people will always be there for you, won’t. And people you never dreamed you would find a connection with, you do. It taught me it is okay to be open and honest and to JUST BE ME. But also, to close the door and simply let go.
I do not know what this year will bring. I do not know if it will bring me a different road to travel down, a different journey, a new job opportunity, or new people in my life. I do not have a clue and no definite plans. All I know is that I am embracing this new year and am extremely excited about my future.
And although I may not feel all grownup, as silly as that sounds, I do feel like I have arrived and I am much more happier than I ever have been. I am looking forward to what is yet to come. Above all, I am waiting on God to show me His plan. What is the old saying? “The best things come to those who wait.” Well I am waiting, praying and trusting God’s timing and perfect plan for my life. His plan might not be our plan, but it is the best plan.
I am ready for it! Let’s go! :)

Aunt Sandy and E
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