Life Is A Beautiful Rainbow
"Every cloud has a silver lining and every rainy day leaves behind a special gift.... a rainbow."

Today would have been my Grandmother’s 93rd Birthday. As many of you know, I was very close to my Grandmother and had a hard time when she passed away. For a period of time, I was grief-stricken and couldn’t seem to focus on anything but her passing UNTIL……… day I said a prayer and asked God to give me comfort and peace over her death. I knew she was in a better place, I was just being selfish because I missed her so. On that particular day, I went into our kitchen and looked outside and lo’ and behold there was the most gorgeous rainbow in the sky. I’m talking about a full blown arc with all of its magnificent colors. From that moment on I felt peace with her death. Yes, I miss her and think about her all the time. She was a beautiful woman it would be hard not to, but I know she is in a better place now.
Recently, Kevin and I went to Canada and drove over 2500 miles. We always ask God to protect us during our journey. During the trip, we reflected on how beautiful God's country was and at the end of our journey as we drove into our subdivision, there was a full rainbow in the sky! Coincidence? I don’t think so. We believe it was the rainbow representing His promises! I immediately thought of the time God gave me peace when I mourned for my Grandmother and knew He had sent the rainbow just for us.
People all over the world have different beliefs and different ways of looking at and understanding the same thing. We can be sure when a rainbow appears everyone is struck by its magic and its beauty. There is no doubt about that. What is the real meaning of the rainbow? Go look at one and you will know. Without words, without pictures, with a feeling inside you. Yes, there are things we just know and those are the important things in our life. The things that do not need words.
To me, a rainbow is a sign of God's promise that He will guide us through any storm and He will ease all our troubles no matter what their form.

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