In A Not So Perfect World
WHEWHOO, my favorite time of the year is just around the corner. FALL, waiting to come and knock on my door. I am ready. Ready for a new season, a new time and a fresh start. When Fall comes knocking, how do you open your door???? I open mine with a big ol’ sappy SMILE! :-)

Last weekend, Kevin and I had one of the BEST weekends ever. Do you ever realize when you are having one of life's perfect moments? They don't happen very often, probably because we keep ourselves insanely busy running around, working on something or obsessing over something. I find that if I slow down every once in a while, those perfect moments seems to just fall into place. Like last weekend…..
On Saturday, Kevin and I decided to go to the Rivermarket and get some fresh produce and just walked around. We spent a majority of our morning and afternoon just walking around, chatting and soaking up the rays. Then we decided we better head to the grocery store and get our weeks’ worth of groceries. Once we got home, we decided that since we had such a good time at the Rivermarket, we wanted to spend more time outside so we headed up to the Legends for dinner. We sat out on the patio, had a few appetizers and “people watched” for several hours. It may not sound like perfection to you, but we connected doing all of that together and it was just so relaxing and wonderful and... dare I say……perfect. Have you ever had days like that?
Sometimes our perfect moments are sitting on the deck and looking across the lake and listening to the sounds of nature and just chatting with one another. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a time when you connect with each other and all the stress of the world doesn't touch you.
A perfect moment in time.
Fall is by far my favorite season. I love the cooler weather and football. Here in Georgia fall is short-lived. It usually goes from 90 degrees in September to 70 degrees in October and then right into winter. Oh well, take what we can get right?
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