
Aaah, what can I say but that I am in mourning!
My main NFL squeeze Brett Favre retired. :( What will Green Bay do without him? Heck, what will I do without him. I have followed this man's career from day one! I just LOVE him.....and am sad that he has made the decision to retire but totally understand as well.
I don’t know how the majority of you feel but regardless you have to admit Brett Favre was someone extraordinary in the NFL. Like Michael Jordan was to the basketball, like Wayne Gretzky was to the hockey, or George Brett was to baseball, Favre was admired by many. He played the game with a little kid’s passion each and every time he took the field. I believe he wanted to win, but he truly just wanted to go out there and have fun. Simply stated he loved the game of football.
We thought that Brett Favre would never retire, that he would continue to play until the world stopped rotating. Brett Favre was everything you wanted in a quarterback, a player, a teammate, and as a human being. Sometimes we all go a little overboard talking about his talent. It is not that he was the perfect quarterback. He knows he wasn’t. He has thrown some stink bombs in his career and has made some plays that sometimes defied the belief that he was arguably the best quarterback who ever played the game. The reason Brett Favre is exceptionally special to us (me), is that he is such a real person, so down to earth and so passionate when he is playing football that it is infectious to those who watched him.
Watching Brett Favre play football is the way we all should play football. There isn’t a care about winning or losing, but just going out there and enjoying the game was the only thing that he displayed on the field. He wanted to win, but wanted to have fun even more.
The greatest game I have ever witnessed came with Favre at the helm, the night after his father passed away. You all remember it… on Monday Night Football, against the Oakland Raiders where he passed for 399 yards and 4 touchdowns. It was beautiful….. and yes I cried….. how could you not! I remember it like it was yesterday and I remember after the game Brett said "I love him so much, and I love this game. It's meant a great deal to me, to my dad, to my family, and I didn't expect this kind of performance. But I know he was watching tonight." Aaaah……. :)
He brought a legendary status onto himself. Not through his records. Not from his consecutive start streak. He did it purely on the love of football. I don’t think we can find another guy who was so wonderful for so long. Someone who brings the little kid out of us when we watch him play.
So if you see me moping around, please bare with me for awhile!
I don't know why he retired, I thought he had done great this last year...
Sorry to hear he is retiring. I'll miss his cute butt in his uniform! :)
ahh it is sad. My 9 year old can't quit talking about it.
What an awesome autographed pic.
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