My Life As I Know It :)
My life....... has been crazy busy lately.... I am in the final stages of organizing and planning for the KS Champions Weekend (http://www.kschampionsweekend/). All I can say is WOOHOO! I am thrilled that in just a few more days I will be meeting up with some of the best guys and gals from BFL. This community is absolutely wonderful.
People tell me all the time that I am too busy and need to slow down. I personally like my life busy and don't like to have too much spare time in which I am allowed to let my brain run a muck! ;) I especially like to be busy when Kevin goes out of town. It makes the time go by faster and I don't "feel" so lonely without him.
This past week was exceptionally busy. Doctors’ appointments, my son’s car breaking down and being in the shop, tornadoes, YES tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and short-staffed at work. The week seemed to go on and on. Oh, did I mention my sweet husband was out of town as well and so I WAS the head of the household, meaning I was in charge of everything, including our baby-dog, Stoli! I must say I don't like having to deal with EVERYTHING, I guess in that sense Kevin has spoiled me rotten and he takes care of me! Not a bad thing really! He was due home now but once again he has experienced the wonderful world of flying. Another three hour delay! BOO!!!!
Oh back to the tornadoes..... my nephew Juston happened to be in Manhattan, KS at K-State when the tornado hit the campus last Wednesday. He was only a few buildings away from where the tornado actually touched down. My brother and SIL went and picked him up the next morning. I kid you not, that same day (night), a tornado touched down a few blocks from where they live in Linwood, Kansas. He sent me a text message saying "Auntie Elizabeth, I guess I just attract them." Poor kid..... In all my 41 years, I have only witnessed one tornado and it happened to be last week. My son Scott and I were on our way to go over to pick his car up from the shop when we noticed how black the sky was to the North of where we live. (keep in mind we live in De Soto, the next town over is Linwood). When we got up to K-7, we could clearly see the tornado. Was I scared??? NO..... more like in awe.... of its power. I have attached a few pictures of some of the pictures we took. We weren't able to get any of the tornado itself but you can tell by looking at the pictures that the storm was pretty impressive.

Here is another one of the sky, what I found amazing was the color and how fast it went from being black to "yellow":

Nice pictures!!
Tracker is down and need to email you about this weekend and when I'll be there. I'll try to figure out how to get in touch with you!
Just stopping by to say hi and hope you are feeling okay. I like my life busy too but there comes a time when you really must slow down a bit. I know you will have fun at the KS get together!
I sure hope you get to relax during the event. You are such a hard worker and I know you want everything perfect.
This event IS going to be PERFECT.
Can't wait to see you sweets.
Let Kevin give you a massage tonight. ;)
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