I know in my last post, I spoke about being busy but never in that time have I felt that the KS Champions Weekend was not supposed to be. Have you ever had that feeling that something was supposed to happen or take place? Well, for me it is/was the KS Champions Weekend.
For those who know me, I am a bit timid and shy and have A LOT of anxiety issues in social settings....and like to work behind the scenes so to speak without being the focus of attention...... :) But I wanted you all to know how I have been feeling. I have been getting a lot of e-mails and PMs from folks wanting to know if I have been feeling nervous or anxious and I must say in all honesty, that I have felt nothing but PEACE.....and today when I opened up my daily devotion it was about PEACE and how when God gives us a plan we should feel peace about it because if we don't, then it isn't His plan..... Now, how awesome is that????
I have always felt this weekend was meant to be and that many folks will benefit by attending and hearing the speakers.... who are absolutely AMAZING..... check them out at
To say that I am excited about this weekend is an understatement. I can't wait to meet all of you and hug you and hopefully make this the best weekend you have had in a long, long time! :)
BTW, my husband will be recording the speakers and the slideshow and putting it on for those who are not able to attend. :) My hubby is the best and I am blessed! :)
Hope to see you this weekend! :)

Thanks Kevin for all of your behind the scenes work for the KS Champions Weekend, without you and God, I wouldn't have been able to make it happen! :) Muah! ;)
Glad to hear this. You all did a great job. Sorry I missed you all the rest of the weekend, but I am glad I got to go on Friday.
It was the most WONDERFUL weekend. I am sad to be home. :(
Miss you and Kevin so much!!!
You have such a sweet husband.
cyber hug to you sweets until I see you in October. :)
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