
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hard To Swallow

Sometimes we receive news that is so devastating that it hits us in the gut so hard we can hardly breathe. Well, yesterday that news arrived.

We took Stoli, our beautiful dog, to the vet and were told he has lymphoma, cancer of the lymph nodes. For our family and friends that we have told the first question they have asked is: is there a cure? Theoretically, yes but practically speaking no. Right now, it is best to focus on a realistic outcome which is the longest possible survival with the best quality of life for Stoli. Which is why we are going to take Stoli to see an oncologist on Wednesday morning to see what his best treatment options are. From what we have read, there is approximately a 75% chance of achieving remission regardless of protocol selected, thus giving us more time with Stoli. Bottom line here is we do not want him to suffer in any way.....

Please pray for our family to get through the next few weeks as we determine what action to take for Stoli and to give us strength. For those of you who have pets, you will completely understand our pain, grief and emotion. For those of you who don't, pray anyway! :)

We will keep you posted!

~ Elizabeth


At 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm SO very sorry to hear this news. We have 2 Beagles (Marty and Buck), 3 cats (Tequila, Spazz, and Jingles) and fish (sorry no names for them). Unfortunately, our first Beagle died of Lymphoma (his name was Blaze). It was pretty horrible and it took us a long time to get over it. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

thinking of you sweetie.


At 12:31 PM, Blogger zooman said...

First of all give your best friend Tracy a hug for passing this on to me.She is a gem, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. I will pray for you guys tonight and hope for a good outcome. nothing is harder to deal with than losing a family member or a friend, but on the same token the unconditional love our furry children give us makes it hard also. Friends and family come and go, but our pets are there by our sides 24/7. They are there to comfort us, accompany us, and love us. Heck I wish my own family was as devoted,lol. One of God's greatest gifts are the pets he puts into our lives. Stoli is a very lucky dog to have you as his mom and dad,
Thinking and praying for you guys,

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Stef said...


I am so sorry you and your family have to endure something like this. As an animal love, and someone who has lost a beloved family pet, my heart goes out to you.

It still amazes me how much friendship and love one can give and receive from a dog.

I now must go out and hug my doggie.



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