For those who know me well, you know I don't put on pretenses. I am who I say I am. I am also a person who wants to have the freedom to be who I truly am without judgment. There are times when I want my own personal space and for the most part, people around me respect that. No one wants to have to endure judgment and criticism from somebody else who is constantly trying to make them into someone they want them to be.
Well we all know “that” person...that one person that just rubs us the wrong way. They are always saying the wrong things at the wrong time or telling untruths about someone (or even you) and it can really put a damper on your day and REALLY grate on your nerves. There are even times when people can rob years of our joy. These people may be able to attempt to ruin your day, but it is entirely up to you as to whether or not you let them. We need to give these things over to God and know that when we have done all we can and leave the rest up to Him. Forgiveness doesn't always mean reconciliation. If we have tried to restore a relationship, and the other party is not willing, that is their part, not yours. Forgiveness is a one way street. Forgiveness does not always mean that reconciliation will follow.
I also believe that there are times when it is fitting to distance ourselves from these type of toxic people, even if they are family. I am not going to sugar coat it, with some people, low dosage is the key! Some people may bring us down so much, that maybe we should not even be around them. If you have to absolutely be around them, try and make it brief. You don’t have to be rude, but yes, keep it short.
Life is brief and uncertain at best and quite frankly I am not willing to let people steal my joy! Our joy shouldn’t be dependent upon our circumstances, but on Him. And He never fails us so SMILE! :)
Don't let anyone steal your joy! Christ has given us every reason to be filled with the joy of the Lord. Go out with joy and be led forth with peace.
Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.
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