My Ways are Higher Than Your Ways

I know you have said this to yourself before “I will never, ever do that.” Well, let me tell you the minute those words slide off your tongue, you are going to do what you said you would never do. I learned that the hard way when I was younger, time and time again. I eventually quit saying it.
It terrifies me when I start to think a thought about what I will never do. Too many times that very thing is what I end up living. It is a good thing I am not sitting in the driver's seat. I could if I wanted to, but I have learned along the way that I am not the best of navigators and I may think I know what I want, but God has something much better planned for me. God's plan for my life was so far above what I could have handled, that He only gave me enough light to see the next step. If he would have shined a floodlight on the path up ahead, I think I would have turned and ran in the opposite direction, despite my hatred for running. You see, He was slowing changing my heart. The person I was at eighteen could never have handled the responsibility and beauty that I can twenty-three years later (don’t even try to do the math). :)
I know that today He isn't showing me much more than tomorrow because who I am today isn't ready for what I will take on ten years from now. Thank goodness He is patient and oh so wise.
NOTE: The pictures attached are ones I took while I was in New Mexico last week.

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