Growing Up A Coutu
I have undoubtedly, the best husband in the world. Now, don’t roll your eyes – it is completely true! I attribute this to God’s grace at work through the influence of Kevin’s parents. There are some things that I directly see evidence of his parents’ influence on Kevin. I am grateful that his parents taught him how to communicate with women (ME!). He never gives the one word answers or grunts as is so often portrayed in male stereotypes. He gives details, he asks questions, he COMMUNICATES. I know he learned this through consistent communication with his Mom and Dad. I am grateful that they taught Kevin how to be a gentleman. He always holds the door open and pulls out the chair. He doesn’t miss an opportunity to express gratitude for the things that I do for him. He helps with the laundry, he helps with the groceries and even carries them in. He does things spontaneously which makes things very exciting around our house! :-)
More than what they have taught Kevin with regard to how to “treat a woman”, is what he has learned from them by example. I am grateful that: Kevin is tender hearted. Kevin works hard. Kevin loves excellence. Kevin loves passionately, just like his parents.
I have amazing in-laws and I feel blessed to call them Mom and Dad. You accepted me into your hearts and I thankfully accept you into mine. You both are a constant inspiration in my life and as our marriage flourishes, I know you both will always be a wonderful force in our lives.

So if you are reading this blog, know that I love and respect you both very much.
NOTE: It also didn't hurt that Kevin grew up with four sisters and he was the only boy! He had no choice in the matter and learned early on! :)
I am so glad there are still parents out there that will teach their son that. It's very important. When I watch Wife Swap on TV I see men showing their sons how to be disrespectful and it makes me so mad.
That was beautiful. It is obvious that you love your husband and his parents.
Kellie (from Texas)
Like your husband, I believe chivalry still exists in our society. We've really "feminized" men over the last couple decades and many are afraid to do "gentlemanly" things for fear women will be offended. I find 99 times out of 100 that a woman still appreciates you holding a door or giving up your seat. Good to hear there are other nice guys out there, too. You and your husband are both lucky to have found each other!
We also taught Kevin how to pick out our "Feminine Products" at Shopper's Drug Mart...No wonder he was the first and only one of us to go away to University!
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