I don't know how the rest of you feel but this year seems to have slipped through my fingers. Where has the time gone? I am not quite sure. I realize as I get older, the months and years go by much to fast. Do you remember when you were younger and living at home with your parents? I remember when I was in grade school, junior high and even when I was in high school thinking I couldn’t grow up fast enough. I WANTED to be an adult. Time then, seemed to creep on by. I wondered if I would ever reach the age of “adulthood.” Now I wonder why I tried to rush through life…..
The question is, what was my hurry? Not that being an adult is so bad, it does have it perks, but why the big rush to adulthood? So I could do what I wanted to do? To venture out on my own to see what life was all about? Now that I am an adult, why am I still in such a hurry?
I still, from time to time, find myself wanting to hurry things along and most times it is too late to lecture myself not to. Just last weekend, I was out running errands and twice someone pulled out in front of me! To make matters worse, they drove slower than a baby learning to walk! I became so annoyed and irritated. How dare they!? Yet, I wasn’t late for a meeting (remember it was over the weekend) and I didn’t have any place special to be. I had no deadline to meet. So why get all passionate and annoyed about it?
Kevin says I don’t know how to completely relax and I couldn’t agree more. How can I change from being the fast-paced woman that I am to a more relaxed one???? Why am I always in such a hurry?
I guess I could blame society, our have to have it now society. I tend to get in that mind set of always being in a hurry, getting impatient, and not wanting to wait for something. Don’t ask Kevin about the times I have to wait for him after work when he gets stuck in a meeting and I have to wait for him at my office to be picked up!!! Holy schnikes….. :-)
Gone are the times of slowing down, enjoying the days, and being content. No more sitting on the deck, chatting with our family and friends or just being. There is always someplace we have to be right now or something more important that we need to do.
I, for one, am tired of being in a rush, being annoyed, and too busy to sit and enjoy the little things. I want to chill out and not contribute anymore to the ever fast pace of life, and the cruelty of time. I want to walk instead of run. I want to live in the moment, linger there and savor every little facet that makes up my life. I want to be content and not always wanting something that I don’t really need.
Perhaps these two drivers were reminders from God, prompting me to slow down and enjoy the beautiful drive. I need to appreciate the changing of the leaves on the trees and feel the warm sun pouring into the windows. I need to be aware of all that surrounds me, take it all in and RELAX ALREADY.
Kevin says I don’t know how to completely relax and I couldn’t agree more. How can I change from being the fast-paced woman that I am to a more relaxed one???? Why am I always in such a hurry?
I guess I could blame society, our have to have it now society. I tend to get in that mind set of always being in a hurry, getting impatient, and not wanting to wait for something. Don’t ask Kevin about the times I have to wait for him after work when he gets stuck in a meeting and I have to wait for him at my office to be picked up!!! Holy schnikes….. :-)
Gone are the times of slowing down, enjoying the days, and being content. No more sitting on the deck, chatting with our family and friends or just being. There is always someplace we have to be right now or something more important that we need to do.
I, for one, am tired of being in a rush, being annoyed, and too busy to sit and enjoy the little things. I want to chill out and not contribute anymore to the ever fast pace of life, and the cruelty of time. I want to walk instead of run. I want to live in the moment, linger there and savor every little facet that makes up my life. I want to be content and not always wanting something that I don’t really need.
Perhaps these two drivers were reminders from God, prompting me to slow down and enjoy the beautiful drive. I need to appreciate the changing of the leaves on the trees and feel the warm sun pouring into the windows. I need to be aware of all that surrounds me, take it all in and RELAX ALREADY.

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